The story of a 15 year old dream being fulfilled contrary to all rational thinking. Of giving up what most wouldn’t to live the life you want to, not the one you happen to be leading.
All Categories // 2007 // Living in Green Bay // On the Road // Game Day // YouTube // Super Bowl XLV
Hall of Fame // Final Chapters // Book Launch // 2020 and Beyond // Players // Media // Your Story
And We’re Off
Despite having absolutely no time whatsoever to even contemplate entering something…
36 Hours To Go
We’re out of our apartment, away from the stadium and now at our friends home for our last two days.
The Final Pack Up
It’s officially our last day in the apartment so packing is the only priority.
Where Have We Been?
Where do I start? It’s Tuesday morning and I haven’t posted since last Friday…
The Clean Up Begins
Doesn’t time fly by when you don’t get the chance to sit back and watch it?
Green and Gold
After dinner I was off to Champions to appear on the Green and Gold show with Johnnie Gray…
You Tube - ESPN
ESPN special following us for the weeekendof the NFC Championship Game at Lambeau Field.
You Tube - NFC Chp. Game
This season didn't seem to have a script… and it finally caught up with us.
NFC Championship Game
What can you say about a day like today? I’ve been trying to put it into words all night long.
The Signs of Green Bay
I met Bill Michaels from WTMJ620 at Lambeau Field then collected pictures of the signs around town.
48 Hours and Counting
In what seems a continuation of yesterdays entry, today was every bit as crazy.
That Australian Family
It’s the pointy end of the season and lots of people want to know what’s next for the Scullino family.
Hair Cut Time
If we’ve been told once we’ve been told one hundred times… to cut our boys hair.
Shoveling Lambeau
This morning proved third time lucky in the case of my trying to help shovel at Lambeau Field.
Lunch With the Mayor
Kelly and I were invited to have lunch with the Kiwani’s Club of Green Bay and Mayor Jim Schmidt.
I hugged Rob, hi fived the guys next to us, pumped my fists and then started to cry, again.
Brett and Deanna Favre
When you meet someone who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone…