Alot of people have asked either via comment, email or in person, what our plans are from here and to be honest, I feel kind of empty even having to consider it. With the football season being over, the thought that we’re on our way home is kind of sad. I’d like to stay here and see what happens without football on the weekends?

Don’t get me wrong, I can’t wait to get home, see our family and friends, walk down to the beach and enjoy the warm summer nights (should I stop there?) but in alot of ways I feel like we are home already. We’ll be leaving so many great people, experiences and memories behind. I felt like this was a second home for me before I’d spent a single night here. You can only imagine how I feel now.

We leave Green Bay for LA on Saturday the 2nd Feb where we’ll stay a few nights. With any luck I’ll get to see the Superbowl on Sunday and then Disneyland on Monday. After that we’ll be on a plane home to the sunny skies of Sydney to pick up our regular lives where we left them. Ben starts pre-school when we get back and that’ll give Kelly and Luc their first real “alone time” since he was born. (The attached picture was taken 4 weeks or so before we left in August 2007.)

We’ll stay with Kel’s parents who are absolutely stinging to see us and the boys for a little while whilst we figure out which road our lives will take from there. (Assuming they ever let us leave that is!)

As for me, I’m yet to decide what I’ll do. I’ll certainly take the very first job I can find just to get the money rolling in. It has been 5 and a half months since pay cheques after all. With regards to a career, we’ll wait and see. I need to decide, after the experience we have just afforded ourselves, whether I sign up to another corporate styled, white shirt wearing, tall glass building job in the city or whether I follow the path I have created here and do what I want for myself?

That may be to continue with a business my partner and I had started before we left or throw caution to the wind and try to write for a living. Who knows?

With regards to the website I’ll post sporadically until the day we leave LA. You don’t need to hear about us packing for the next 5 days straight. From there I will post every Sunday (including the first one from home on Sunday the 10th Feb) until at least the end of March. We really do look forward to telling our story well beyond the trip home, the reunions and the search for a new job/house. I actually plan on posting more often than that but if you come by on Sunday’s I can assure you there’ll be something new to see.

I most look forward to filming us in front of our old home, down the beach with Ben on his bike and having coffee at our favourite cafe. I can’t wait to show you all Cronulla Mall. It’s kind of like the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica only we’d be down there 5 times a week hot or cold. The next couple of months should be a blast.

I’ll post about the book separately.

Make sure you stay tuned at the end of each week and make sure you all stay in touch. I’ll have to stop if no one is reading it you know! Once home we’ll start responding to each of the emails we didn’t quite get to aswell. At 10 a day we’ll have them done by mid May believe it or not.

(See link on the noticeboard if you need to find this again easily)


The Book


The Clean Up Begins