The story of a 15 year old dream being fulfilled contrary to all rational thinking. Of giving up what most wouldn’t to live the life you want to, not the one you happen to be leading.
All Categories // 2007 // Living in Green Bay // On the Road // Game Day // YouTube // Super Bowl XLV
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Brett and Deanna Favre
When you meet someone who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone…
Boxing Day - GB Style
I was hoping to get Marco to some of the TV shows that are filmed throughout the week…
Greg “Touchdown” Jennings
A quiet day, until I got to meet WR of the year, Greg “Touchdown” Jennings!
Legends on Parade
Let’s talk about a day that I could never have imagined happening in all of my life. But to put it into context, let’s start with a pop-quiz.
DD, Mason and Me
I was very excited that Kelly had the chance to get out for the day today so that she could feel a little bit human again. What better way of getting out of the house (hotel room)….