The story of a 15 year old dream being fulfilled contrary to all rational thinking. Of giving up what most wouldn’t to live the life you want to, not the one you happen to be leading.
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Preparing for our interview at the US consulate in the city tomorrow is perhaps the most daunting thing we’ve had to do so far.
Hiccup #1: Visa’s
We made an appointment (14 September) with the US Consulate to obtain our visas this morning after somewhat of a surprise.
We Do, We Think…
A lot has happened since the first time we spoke about the idea of moving to Green Bay and today so let’s just start at the beginning shall we.
Do We, or Don’t We?
It’s been almost five weeks and we are seriously considering this idea still. It seems like one of those things you talk about but never actually do.
The Day After
Last night, with the boys being watched by her mum, Kelly and I went out for dinner to discuss this idea further.