Lazy Sunday Afternoon

We had a very lazy day today so this’ll be a short one. It felt kind of funny that for two weeks in a row there was no Sunday game for the Packers so maybe that’s the reason we laid low for so long. It was so lazy in fact we did absolutely nothing for the first 7 hours before making our way to two very fine Green Bay eating establishments. 

Kelly went out with Rob and Tez, Rob being so kind as to let her drive his car for some we’ll needed practice. And more here about lunch and what they did. ksfgh kgdw v iu jkwgh wug ugh wguiwr wig burg wig wiugrw ivugw viuwgv iuwgv wriugv rwiug rwiugv rwiuvgh rwiuvg rwiug rwiugwriug rwiug,

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Earlier subscribers to this site will know of our intent to try as much of the cuisine, fast and ala carte, as we can whilst here.

1st stop, Old Chicago. Interesting name for a restaurant in Green Bay. Then I learned that it was of the chain variety. Either way it was very cool. The food was tops, the inside was nice and they had plasmas showing the football. How can a place like that be anything but alright? If I could change one thing it would definitely be the post-mix Pepsi. I wasn’t sure if it was a drink or left unsaid I think.

2nd stop, the Cold Stone Ice Creamery. This was as great as it was busy. The place was jam-packed with people and only got busier whilst we were there. What a perfect place to come for completely over the top desserts. If I could change one thing? Where’s the honeycomb? Ice-cream, chocolate sauce and honeycomb. Mmm Mmm. Most interesting part of the visit? When you tip them they’ll sing you a song of thankyou. Now where else do you get that? jJ hkjdsv hwv with wuvh wuvh wuvh wkvh skvh sv wivg wig wiu wiubh wiubg fiusb ifslgb fsigb fsigb fsilbg fsibg fsilbg fsbg fsigb isfugb sifugb iusfgb ifsuagb isubg ifsudgb ifsubg fisubg fsiugb ifusgb iufsgb iufsb iufsgb. 


Week 8 @ Broncos

