See, it didn’t take me long to fall behind again did it? I was out at the WAPL105.7 Christmas party last and got home around midnight. Naturally i was buggered and fell straight asleep. It’s now 530am Sat morning. Kelly and I are preparing for our flight to St Louis and about to get the whipper snappers out of bed.

Yesterday was obviously a big day and i’ve got some good stories to tell. Stay tuned over the weekend and i’ll do my best to get them up.

On the Packer Fan Hall of Hame. What a cool experience just being involved and congratulations to the winner “Ike’. Sure i was dissappointed but man, when he got up on stage to talk a little about his experience as a fan for the last 60 years i could have cried. He totally deserves it. When i have stories like his my time will come too. I’ll elaborate when we get the chance ‘cause there’s alot to tell about that hour or two at Lambeau Field.

Have fun, talk to you soon, Go Pack Go!


Fan Hall of Fame


Ice Blocks