The story of a 15 year old dream being fulfilled contrary to all rational thinking. Of giving up what most wouldn’t to live the life you want to, not the one you happen to be leading.
All Categories // 2007 // Living in Green Bay // On the Road // Game Day // YouTube // Super Bowl XLV
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You Tube - Week 9
Lambeau Field will always be my favorite, but there’s something special about Arrowhead too.
Long Trip Home
The longest leg of the trip by far, made even longer by the constant delays.
YouTube, Week 8
24 hour road trip, Monday Night Football, an iconic NFL stadium and the best OT finish ever…
Week 8 @ Broncos
9am Monday to lunchtime Tuesday. A 27-hour whirlwind to Denver, CO to see the famed, Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium.
Kids on the Land
Ben was so excited we were home. He couldn’t wait to show us all of the great things he’d been up to all day…
Week 7, Badgers!
This wasn’t Kelly’s ideal way to spend the bye week, but it didn’t take long for the adrenaline to kick-in!
On the Road Again
What better way to spend the Packers bye week, than to head to Madison to see the Badgers play?
Week 4, @ Vikings
A road trip to Minnesota to play a divisional rival, in fall, as the rain was falling. My first look at an NFL dome and TD pass 421.
Back to Green Bay
Alot of people have told us how inspiring they find this trip and that talking to us makes them want to go out and do something crazy for themselves.
NY in Two Half Days
Who would have thought that a day could make such a difference when coming to terms with a single city is concerned?
Week 2, @ Giants
We had a reasonably low key morning by comparison to our experience last week. Thanks to the hour time difference between Green Bay and New Jersey…
New York, New York
Start sprea-den’ the neeeeeeews. We have officially arrived in the world’s most expensive city. Despite my eagerness to fast forward to this evening…