The story of a 15 year old dream being fulfilled contrary to all rational thinking. Of giving up what most wouldn’t to live the life you want to, not the one you happen to be leading.
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Week 5, Bears
Talk about hype. The Packers vs. the Bears at Lambeau Field, under lights, in front of a nationally televised audience.
Week 4, @ Vikings
A road trip to Minnesota to play a divisional rival, in fall, as the rain was falling. My first look at an NFL dome and TD pass 421.
Week 3, Chargers
Who wishes he wore shorts to the game today? Me and about 10,000 other people I’m sure.
Week 2, @ Giants
We had a reasonably low key morning by comparison to our experience last week. Thanks to the hour time difference between Green Bay and New Jersey…
Week 1, Eagles at Packers
My first ever Packers game. At Lambeau Field no less. This is my longest post yet, but it’s been the longest time coming…