Accommodation - The Search Begins
There is exactly one month to go until the Eagles game.
Today I began the search for some type of long term accommodation. The serious search that is. I have been looking for a little while but nothing real serious. Today though, I’m note pad at the ready, phone calls at the set and emails to as many different places as I can.
The thing about trying to find a hotel room over the internet is that the pictures they post are usually nothing like actual rooms themselves. It’s like picking a fast food burger from the photo on the menu. It’s what you want to get but you know, you just know it’s not going to look anything like it.
For the most part at least I now have some ideas and a short list.
We also crafted some home made flags to help with a few pictures and the design of this website. We’re not sure whether we actually use them or not, but we’re trying our hand at arts and crafts all the same.